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سياسى اجتماعى منوع

    Histopathology Specimens: Clinical, Pathological and Laboratory Aspects

    دكتور احمد
    دكتور احمد
    كمباوى ملوش حل
    كمباوى ملوش حل

    عدد الرسائل : 308
    الموقع : كامبا سات اكيد
    المزاج : فى السحاب
    الهوايات : القراءة
    الجنسية : مصرى
    تاريخ التسجيل : 10/11/2008

    Histopathology Specimens: Clinical, Pathological and Laboratory Aspects Empty Histopathology Specimens: Clinical, Pathological and Laboratory Aspects

    مُساهمة من طرف دكتور احمد الثلاثاء نوفمبر 11, 2008 7:56 pm

    Histopathology Specimens: Clinical, Pathological and Laboratory Aspects

    Histopathology Specimens: Clinical, Pathological and Laboratory Aspects 41RTSPJK5WL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-dp-500-arrow,TopRight,45,-64_OU01_AA240_SH20_

    by Derek C. Allen (Editor), R. Iain Cameron (Editor)

    Editorial Reviews


    The Bulletin of the Royal College of Pathologists. April 2004;126:54-55.

    This new book fills a hole in current market that has been gaping for quite some time. It seeks to bridge the knowledge gap between surgeons and histopathologists by giving a succinct summary of the basics of anatomy, common pathology, symptoms, clinical investigations, common surgical procedures, histopathological dissection and histopathology reporting for each organs, approached by system.

    It actively encourages the readers to investigate what goes on in their own laboratory. The language is simple and easy to read and as such will appeal to a wide audience, from medical students to pathologists, and from biomedical scientists to trainee surgeons.

    The multidisciplinary approach taken echoes the trends in medical school education and the clinical working of our modern times. The book encourages understanding of the pathologists role in patient diagnosis and treatment and emphasizes what it is important to include in our final report and why. This should stand alongside General and Systemic Pathology by JCE Underwood as a core textbook for medical students for this reason and exist as a bench book in histopathology departments across the country.

    British Journal of Biomedical Science, 2004;61(1):56.

    This text is a welcome addition to the field of the sampling and evaluation of histopathology specimens and is of interest to the pathologist and biomedical scientist alike.

    The opening few pages clearly project the importance of appropriate and adequate tissue sampling and the pivotal role of laboratory-based investigations in the overall process of histopathological tissue assessment. Emphasis is place on the holistic significance such processes have on patient prognosis and subsequent clinical management.


    The majority of the content is up to date and accurately portrays the importance of thorough and precise evaluation of histopathological samples in the overall care of the patient. In addition, the text provides a useful glossary of abbreviations, covering all the chapters, which commonly appear on most histopathology clinical request forms.

    The strength of this text is that it is concise, informative to a reasonable degree and offers the reader an opportunity to understand the concepts and principles before becoming more involved with detail.

    Book Description

    Covering anatomical, clinical, pathological and laboratory aspects of surgical histopathology specimens, this book relates specimen dissection and its clinical context to relevant histopathology reports, and therefore a more comprehensive patient prognosis and management is possible.

    Histopathology Specimens - Clinical, Pathological and Laboratory Aspects explains pathological and clinical terminology, including a glossary of clinical request form abbreviations. It offers a standardised step-wise approach to specimen handling illustrated by simple line diagrams and highlights essentials of the histopathology report, relating them to appropriate specimen dissection.

    This book will act as a reference tool for the medical trainee in histopathology and the biomedical scientist, and as a useful aide memoire for the histopathology consultant.



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